
Enable support for the PostScript language (often with ghostscript-gpl or libspectre)
Название Категория Описание
atril app-text Atril document viewer for MATE
cantor kde-apps Interface for doing mathematics and scientific computing
cups-filters net-print Cups filters
diffoscope dev-util Will try to get to the bottom of what makes files or directories different
efl dev-libs Enlightenment Foundation Libraries all-in-one package
evince app-text Simple document viewer for GNOME
gdl dev-lang GNU Data Language
gimp media-gfx GNU Image Manipulation Program
gr sci-visualization Universal framework for cross-platform visualization applications
gramps app-misc Community genealogy program aiming to be both intuitive and feature-complete
graphicsmagick media-gfx Collection of tools and libraries for many image formats
graphviz media-gfx Open Source Graph Visualization Software
imagemagick media-gfx A collection of tools and libraries for many image formats
inkscape media-gfx SVG based generic vector-drawing program
netpbm media-libs A set of utilities for converting to/from the netpbm (and related) formats
octave sci-mathematics High-level interactive language for numerical computations
okular kde-apps Universal document viewer based on KDE Frameworks
pqiv media-gfx A powerful GTK 3 based command-line image viewer with a minimal UI
qpdfview app-text A tabbed document viewer
urt media-libs the Utah Raster Toolkit is a library for dealing with raster images

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