
Add Native Language Support (using gettext - GNU locale utilities)
Название Категория Описание
warzone2100 games-strategy 3D real-time strategy game
wcd app-misc Wherever Change Directory
webalizer app-admin Webserver log file analyzer
weechat net-irc Portable and multi-interface IRC client
wesnoth games-strategy Battle for Wesnoth - A fantasy turn-based strategy game
wget net-misc Network utility to retrieve files from the WWW
whois net-misc Improved Whois Client
windowmaker x11-wm The fast and light GNUstep window manager
wine-proton app-emulation Valve Software's fork of Wine
wine-staging app-emulation Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix, with Wine-Staging patchset
wine-vanilla app-emulation Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix, without external patchsets
wmcoincoin x11-plugins Dockapp for browsing dacode news and board sites
wol net-misc Implements Wake On LAN (Magic Paket) functionality in a small program
wput net-misc Tiny program like wget, to upload files/whole directories via FTP
xaos x11-misc Very fast real-time fractal zoomer
xboard games-board GUI for gnuchess and for internet chess servers
xbubble games-arcade A Puzzle Bobble clone similar to Frozen-Bubble
xcdroast app-cdr Lightweight cdrtools front-end for CD and DVD writing
xchm app-text Utility for viewing Compiled HTML Help (CHM) files
xcowsay games-misc Displays a cute cow and message on your desktop

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