
Install a very minimal build (disables, for example, plugins, fonts, most drivers, non-critical features)
Название Категория Описание
libcdio dev-libs A library to encapsulate CD-ROM reading and control
libintl-perl dev-perl High-Level Interface to Uniforum Message Translation
libsndfile media-libs C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound
libsodium dev-libs Portable fork of NaCl, a higher-level cryptographic library
lilo sys-boot LInux LOader, the original Linux bootloader
Log-Any dev-perl Bringing loggers and listeners together
Log-Dispatchouli dev-perl Simple wrapper around Log::Dispatch
lxqt-meta lxqt-base Meta ebuild for LXQt, the Lightweight Desktop Environment
Mail-DMARC dev-perl Perl implementation of DMARC
Mail-Sender dev-perl Module for sending mails with attachments through an SMTP server
mate-icon-theme-faenza x11-themes Faenza icon theme that was adapted for MATE desktop
Math-ModInt dev-perl modular integer arithmetic
Math-Random-ISAAC-XS dev-perl C implementation of the ISAAC PRNG algorithm
meshlab media-gfx A system for processing and editing unstructured 3D triangular meshes
MIME-Lite dev-perl Low-calorie MIME generator
miscfiles sys-apps Miscellaneous files
Mixin-Linewise dev-perl Write your linewise code for handles; this does the rest
Mojolicious dev-perl Real-time web framework
mono dev-lang Mono runtime and class libraries, a C# compiler/interpreter
MooseX-LazyRequire dev-perl Required attributes which fail only when trying to use them

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