
Enable support for a graphical user interface
Название Категория Описание
pcsc-tools sys-apps PC/SC Architecture smartcard tools
pdv app-arch build a self-extracting and self-installing binary package
proton-mail-bridge mail-mta Serves ProtonMail to IMAP/SMTP clients
protontricks app-emulation app-emulation/winetricks wrapper for Proton (Steam Play) games
PyQt5 dev-python Python bindings for the Qt framework
PyQt5-python2 dev-python Python bindings for the Qt framework
PyQt6 dev-python Python bindings for the Qt framework
pyside2 dev-python Python bindings for the Qt framework
pyside6 dev-python Python bindings for the Qt framework
qbittorrent net-p2p BitTorrent client in C++ and Qt
qbs dev-util Modern build tool for software projects
qemacs app-editors QEmacs is a very small but powerful UNIX editor
qhexedit2 app-editors Hex editor library, Qt application written in C++ with Python bindings
qtbase dev-qt Cross-platform application development framework
qt-docs dev-qt Qt6 documentation and examples for Qt Creator and other tools
QtPy dev-python Abstraction layer on top of PyQt and PySide with additional custom QWidgets
quassel net-irc Qt/KDE IRC client supporting a remote daemon for 24/7 connectivity
razercfg sys-apps Utility for advanced configuration of Razer mice
retroshare net-p2p P2P private sharing application
rmlint app-misc Extremely fast tool to remove duplicates and other lint from your filesystem

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