
Название Категория Описание
86Box app-emulation Emulator of x86-based machines based on PCem
alure media-libs The OpenAL Utility Toolkit
audacious-plugins media-plugins Lightweight and versatile audio player
doomsday games-fps A modern gaming engine for Doom, Heretic, and Hexen
dosbox-staging games-emulation Modernized DOSBox soft-fork
dosemu app-emulation DOS Emulator
drumstick media-sound Qt/C++ wrapper for ALSA sequencer
eduke32 games-fps An open source engine port of the classic PC first person shooter Duke Nukem 3D
exult games-engines Ultima 7 game engine that runs on modern operating systems
lmms media-sound Cross-platform music production software
mpd media-sound The Music Player Daemon (mpd)
openttd games-simulation A clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe
prboom-plus games-fps An enhanced clone of the classic first-person shooter Doom
scummvm games-engines Reimplementation of the SCUMM game engine used in Lucasarts adventures
sdl2-mixer media-libs Simple Direct Media Layer Mixer Library
sdl_audiolib media-libs Audio decoding, resampling and mixing library for SDL
sdl-mixer media-libs Simple Direct Media Layer Mixer Library
slade games-util Modern editor for Doom-engine based games and source ports
vlc media-video Media player and framework with support for most multimedia files and streaming
xmms2 media-sound X(cross)platform Music Multiplexing System, next generation of the XMMS player

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