
Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
Название Категория Описание
knotifyconfig kde-frameworks Framework for configuring desktop notifications
kombu dev-python AMQP Messaging Framework for Python
kontactinterface kde-apps Library for embedding KParts in a Kontact component
kopeninghours dev-libs Library for parsing and evaluating OSM opening hours expressions
kpackage kde-frameworks Framework to install and load packages of non binary content
kparts kde-frameworks Framework providing elaborate user-interface components
kpathsea dev-libs Path searching library for TeX-related files
kpeg dev-ruby A simple PEG library for Ruby
kpeople kde-frameworks KDE contact person abstraction library
kpimtextedit kde-apps Extended text editor for PIM applications
kpkpass kde-apps Library to deal with Apple Wallet pass files
kplotting kde-frameworks Framework providing easy data-plotting functions
kproperty dev-libs Property editing framework with editor widget similar to Qt Designer
kpty kde-frameworks Framework for pseudo terminal devices and running child processes
kpublictransport dev-libs Library for accessing public transport timetables and other information
kramdown dev-ruby Yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using strict syntax definition
kramdown-parser-gfm dev-ruby A kramdown parser for the GFM dialect of Markdown
kramdown-rfc app-text An XML2RFC (RFC799x) backend for Thomas Leitner's kramdown markdown parser
kramdown-syntax-coderay dev-ruby Uses coderay to highlight code blocks/spans
kreport dev-libs Framework for creation and generation of reports in multiple formats

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