
Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
Название Категория Описание
gnustep-base gnustep-base A library of general-purpose, non-graphical Objective C objects
gnustep-gui gnustep-base Library of GUI classes written in Obj-C
gnustep-make gnustep-base GNUstep Makefile Package
gnustep-neos-theme x11-themes GNUstep theme closely following the original NeXT look and feel
gnustep-silver-theme x11-themes a GNUstep silver theme
goaccess net-analyzer A real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer in a terminal
godot dev-games Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine with a feature-rich editor
google-perftools dev-util Fast, multi-threaded malloc() and nifty performance analysis tools
goomwwm x11-wm Get out of my way, Window Manager!
gorm gnustep-apps A clone of the NeXTstep Interface Builder application for GNUstep
gpac media-video Implementation of the MPEG-4 Systems standard developed from scratch in ANSI C
gpgme app-crypt GnuPG Made Easy is a library for making GnuPG easier to use
gprolog dev-lang A native Prolog compiler with constraint solving over finite domains (FD)
gpsd sci-geosciences GPS daemon and library for USB/serial GPS devices and GPS/mapping clients
granatier kde-apps KDE Bomberman game
grantlee dev-libs C++ string template engine based on the Django template system
grantlee-editor kde-apps Utilities and tools to manage themes in KDE PIM applications
grantleetheme kde-apps Library for Grantlee plugins
graphicsmagick media-gfx Collection of tools and libraries for many image formats
graphos gnustep-apps vector drawing application centered around bezier paths

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