
Add support for sys-libs/db (Berkeley DB for MySQL)
Название Категория Описание
apr-util dev-libs Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library
bind net-dns Berkeley Internet Name Domain - Name Server
bind net-dns Berkeley Internet Name Domain - Name Server
bitcoind net-p2p Original Bitcoin crypto-currency wallet for automated services
bitcoin-qt net-p2p An end-user Qt GUI for the Bitcoin crypto-currency
bmf mail-filter A fast and small Bayesian spam filter
bogofilter mail-filter Bayesian spam filter designed with fast algorithms, and tuned for speed
clisp dev-lisp A portable, bytecode-compiled implementation of Common Lisp
courier-authlib net-libs Courier authentication library
courier-common net-mail Mail delivery agent/filter
courier-imap net-mail An IMAP daemon designed specifically for maildirs
courier-makedat net-mail Mail delivery agent/filter
cyrus-sasl dev-libs The Cyrus SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
evolution-data-server gnome-extra Evolution groupware backend
exim mail-mta A highly configurable, drop-in replacement for sendmail
gdbm sys-libs Standard GNU database libraries
gnucobol dev-lang A free/libre COBOL compiler
heimdal app-crypt Kerberos 5 implementation from KTH
iproute2 sys-apps kernel routing and traffic control utilities
isync net-mail MailDir mailbox synchronizer

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