Add support for X11
Название Категория Описание
fricas sci-mathematics FriCAS is a fork of Axiom computer algebra system
fs-fonts media-fonts Japanese TrueType fonts designed for screen and print
fte app-editors Lightweight text-mode editor
gcl dev-lisp GNU Common Lisp
ghostscript-gpl app-text Interpreter for the PostScript language and PDF
gidole media-fonts Open source modern DIN fonts
gifsicle media-gfx Create, manipulate, and optimize GIF images and animations
gimp media-gfx GNU Image Manipulation Program
gkrellm app-admin Single process stack of various system monitors
gkrelltop x11-plugins a GKrellM2 plugin which displays the top three processes
glass-tty-vt220 media-fonts Hacking with Style: TrueType VT220 Font
gle sci-visualization Graphics Layout Engine
gmic media-gfx GREYC's Magic Image Converter
gmsh sci-libs Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator
gnokii app-mobilephone User space driver and tools for use with mobile phones
gnome-screenshot media-gfx Screenshot utility for GNOME
gnome-system-monitor gnome-extra The Gnome System Monitor
gnuboy games-emulation Gameboy emulator with multiple renderers
gnuplot sci-visualization Command-line driven interactive plotting program
gnuserv app-emacs Attach to an already running Emacs

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