Add support for FreeType and/or FreeType2 fonts
Название | Категория | Описание |
advancemame | games-emulation | GNU/Linux port of the MAME emulator with GUI menu |
agg | x11-libs | High quality rendering engine library for C++ |
allegro | media-libs | Cross-platform library aimed at video game and multimedia programming |
avidemux-plugins | media-libs | Plugins for the video editor media-video/avidemux |
avidemux-plugins | media-libs | Plugins for the video editor media-video/avidemux |
blackbox | x11-wm | A small, fast, full-featured window manager for X |
calligra | app-office | KDE Office Suite |
cegui | dev-games | Crazy Eddie's GUI System |
conky | app-admin | An advanced, highly configurable system monitor for X |
corsix-th | games-simulation | Open source clone of Theme Hospital |
cvsgraph | dev-vcs | CVS/RCS repository grapher |
dvipng | app-text | Translate DVI files into PNG or GIF graphics |
esdl | media-libs | Erlang bindings for the SDL library |
exact-image | media-gfx | A fast, modern and generic image processing library |
ffmpeg | media-video | Complete solution to record/convert/stream audio and video. Includes libavcodec |
fluxbox | x11-wm | X11 window manager featuring tabs and an iconbar |
fox | x11-libs | C++ Toolkit for developing Graphical User Interfaces easily and effectively |
fvwm | x11-wm | An extremely powerful ICCCM-compliant multiple virtual desktop window manager |
g15composer | app-misc | A library to render text and shapes into a buffer usable by the Logitech G15 |
gd | media-libs | Graphics library for fast image creation |
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