
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название Категория Описание
GeoIP2 dev-perl API for MaxMind's GeoIP2 web services and databases
GeoRuby dev-ruby Ruby data holder for OGC Simple Features
geos sci-libs Geometry engine library for Geographic Information Systems
getdns net-dns Modern asynchronous DNS API
getopt-generics dev-haskell Create command line interfaces with ease
Getopt-GUI-Long dev-perl Auto-GUI extending Getopt::Long
Getopt-Long-Descriptive dev-perl Getopt::Long with usage text
Getopt-Mixed dev-perl Getopt::Mixed is used for parsing mixed options
Getopt-Tabular dev-perl Table-driven argument parsing with help text
gettext_i18n_rails dev-ruby FastGettext / Rails integration
gettext-setup dev-ruby A gem to ease i18n
getuto app-portage Stand-alone gentoo install trust anchor generation tool
gexiv2 media-libs GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library
gflags dev-cpp Google's C++ argument parsing library
gh dev-ruby multi-layer client for the github api v3
ghc dev-lang The Glasgow Haskell Compiler
ghc-byteorder dev-haskell "GHC.ByteOrder" API Compatibility Layer
ghex app-editors GNOME hexadecimal editor
giac sci-mathematics A free C++ Computer Algebra System library and its interfaces
gi-docgen dev-util A documentation generator for GObject-based libraries

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