
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название Категория Описание
File-LibMagic dev-perl Perl wrapper for libmagic
filelight kde-apps Visualise disk usage with interactive map of concentric, segmented rings
File-Listing dev-perl Parse directory listings
filelock dev-python A platform independent file lock for Python
File-Map dev-perl Memory mapping made simple and safe
File-MimeInfo dev-perl Determine file type
File-NCopy dev-perl Copy file, file Copy file[s] | dir[s], dir
File-Next dev-perl An iterator-based module for finding files
filepath-bytestring dev-haskell Library for manipulating RawFilePaths in a cross platform way
File-Path-Expand dev-perl Expand filenames
File-Pid dev-perl Pid File Manipulation
File-pushd dev-perl Change directory temporarily for a limited scope
File-Remove dev-perl Remove files and directories
File-Scan-ClamAV dev-perl Connect to a local Clam Anti-Virus clamd service and send commands
File-SearchPath dev-perl Search for a file in an environment variable path
File-Share dev-perl Extend File::ShareDir to local libraries
File-ShareDir dev-perl Locate per-dist and per-module shared files
File-ShareDir-Install dev-perl Install shared files
File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir dev-perl Simple set-and-forget using of a '/share' directory in your projects root
filesize dev-ruby Small class for handling filesizes with both the SI and binary prefixes

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