
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название Категория Описание
dbus-python dev-python Python bindings for the D-Bus messagebus
dbus-test-runner dev-util Run executables under a new DBus session for testing
dbus-test-runner dev-util Run executables under a new DBus session for testing
DBUtils dev-python Database connections for multi-threaded environments
dconf gnome-base Simple low-level configuration system
ddclient net-dns Perl client used to update dynamic DNS entries
ddmetrics dev-ruby Non-timeseries measurements for Ruby programs
ddplugin dev-ruby Provides plugin management for Ruby projects
ddt dev-python Data-Driven/Decorated Tests
debhelper dev-util Collection of programs that can be used to automate common tasks in debian/rules
debtcollector dev-python Python deprecation patterns and strategies that collect technical debt
debug dev-ruby Debugging functionality for Ruby
Debug-Client dev-perl Client side code for perl debugger
debug_inspector dev-ruby A Ruby wrapper for the MRI 2.0 debug_inspector API
debugpy dev-python An implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python
deckar01-task_list dev-ruby Markdown TaskList components
deepdiff dev-python A library for comparing dictionaries, iterables, strings and other objects
deep_merge dev-ruby A simple set of utility functions for Hash
deepmerge dev-python Tools to handle merging of nested data structures in python
deferred app-emacs Deferred and Concurrent - simple asynchronous functions for Emacs Lisp

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