
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название Категория Описание
splatmoji x11-misc Quickly look up and input emoji and/or emoticons
split dev-haskell Combinator library for splitting lists
spotipy dev-python A lightweight Python library for the Spotify Web API
spqr sci-libs Multithreaded multifrontal sparse QR factorization library
spreadsheet dev-ruby Ruby library to read and write spreadsheet documents
Spreadsheet-ParseExcel dev-perl Read information from an Excel file
Spreadsheet-WriteExcel dev-perl Write cross-platform Excel binary file
Spreadsheet-XLSX dev-perl Perl extension for reading MS Excel 2007 files
spring dev-ruby Rails application preloader
sprockets dev-ruby Ruby library for compiling and serving web assets
sprockets-rails dev-ruby Sprockets implementation for Rails 4.x (and beyond) Asset Pipeline
spur dev-python Run commands locally or over SSH using the same interface
spy dev-ruby A simple opinionated mocking framework
spyder dev-python The Scientific Python Development Environment
spyder-kernels dev-python Kernels used by spyder on its ipython console
spyder-line-profiler dev-python Plugin to run the python line profiler from within the spyder editor
spyder-notebook dev-python Jupyter notebook integration with Spyder
spyder-unittest dev-python Plugin for Spyder to run tests and view the results
spyder-vim dev-python Plugin for Spyder to enable Vim keybindings
SQL-Abstract dev-perl Generate SQL from Perl data structures

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