
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название Категория Описание
scikit-build dev-python Improved build system generator for Python C/C++/Fortran/Cython extensions
scikit-build-core dev-python Build backend for CMake based projects
scikit-image sci-libs Image processing routines for SciPy
scikit-learn sci-libs Machine learning library for Python
scikit-optimize sci-libs Sequential model-based optimization library
scipy dev-python Scientific algorithms library for Python
scitokens-cpp dev-cpp C++ implementation of the SciTokens library with a C library interface
scons dev-util Extensible Python-based build utility
Scope-Guard dev-perl Lexically scoped resource management
Scope-Upper dev-perl Act on upper scopes
scotch sci-libs Software for graph, mesh and hypergraph partitioning
scram dev-java Java Implementation of the Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism
scripttest dev-python A very small text templating language
scrypt dev-python Bindings for the scrypt key derivation function library
sdbus-c++ dev-cpp High-level C++ D-Bus library
sdcv app-text Console version of Stardict program
sddm x11-misc Simple Desktop Display Manager
SDL dev-perl Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) bindings for perl
sdl-jstest dev-util Simple SDL joystick test application for the console
sdoc dev-ruby rdoc generator html with javascript search index

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