
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название Категория Описание
kcrash kde-frameworks Framework for intercepting and handling application crashes
kdav kde-frameworks DAV protocol implemention with KJobs
kdav2 net-libs DAV protocol implementation with KJobs
kdb dev-db Database connectivity and creation framework for various vendors
kdbusaddons kde-frameworks Framework for registering services and applications per freedesktop standards
kdebugsettings kde-apps Application to enable/disable qCDebug
kde-cli-tools kde-plasma Tools based on KDE Frameworks 5 to better interact with the system
kdeconnect kde-misc Adds communication between KDE Plasma and your smartphone
kdecoration kde-plasma Plugin based library to create window decorations
kde-gtk-config kde-plasma Syncs KDE Plasma theme settings to GTK applications
kdelibs4support kde-frameworks Framework easing the development transition from KDELibs 4 to KF 5
kdenlive kde-apps Non-linear video editing suite by KDE
kdepim-addons kde-apps Plugins for KDE Personal Information Management Suite
kdepim-runtime kde-apps Runtime plugin collection to extend the functionality of KDE PIM
kdeplasma-addons kde-plasma Extra Plasma applets and engines
kdesu kde-frameworks Framework to handle super user actions
kdevelop dev-util Integrated Development Environment, supporting KF5/Qt, C/C++ and much more
kdevelop-pg-qt dev-util LL(1) parser generator used mainly by KDevelop language plugins
kdevelop-php dev-util PHP plugin for KDevelop
kdevelop-python dev-util Python plugin for KDevelop

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