
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название Категория Описание
jplephem dev-python Python version of NASA DE4xx ephemerides for Astronomical Alamanac
jq dev-python Python bindings for jq
jq app-misc A lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
jquery-rails dev-ruby jQuery! For Rails! So great
jquery-ui-rails dev-ruby The jQuery UI assets for the Rails 3.2+ asset pipeline
jrobin dev-java JRobin is a 100% pure Java alternative to RRDTool
js-chart dev-haskell Obtain minified chart.js code
jschema_to_python dev-python Generate source code for Python classes from a JSON schema
jsmin dev-python JavaScript minifier
jsobfu dev-ruby A Javascript code obfuscator
json dev-ruby A JSON implementation as a Ruby extension
JSON dev-perl JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder
json5 dev-python A Python implementation of the JSON5 data format
JSON-Any dev-perl Wrapper Class for the various JSON classes (DEPRECATED)
jsoncpp dev-libs C++ JSON reader and writer
jsondiff dev-python Diff JSON and JSON-like structures in Python
jsonext dev-python Well-structured helpers for serializing commonly encountered structures to JSON
json-glib dev-libs Library providing GLib serialization and deserialization for the JSON format
jsonlint dev-php JSON Lint for PHP
JSON-MaybeXS dev-perl Use Cpanel::JSON::XS with a fallback to JSON::XS and JSON::PP

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