Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название | Категория | Описание |
ark | kde-apps | File archiver by KDE |
armadillo | sci-libs | Streamlined C++ linear algebra library |
Arpeggio | dev-python | Parser interpreter based on PEG grammars |
arping | net-analyzer | A utility to see if a specific IP is taken and what MAC owns it |
arpsponge | net-misc | Sweeps up stray ARP queries from a peering LAN |
Array-Compare | dev-perl | Perl extension for comparing arrays |
Array-Diff | dev-perl | Find the differences between two arrays |
Array-Window | dev-perl | Calculate windows/subsets/pages of arrays |
arrow | dev-python | Better dates and times for Python |
artikulate | kde-apps | Language learning application that helps improving pronunciation skills |
aruba | dev-util | Cucumber steps for driving out command line applications |
asa | dev-perl | Lets your class/object say it works like something else |
ascii85 | dev-ruby | Methods for encoding/decoding Adobe's binary-to-text encoding of the same name |
asciidoc | app-text | A plain text human readable/writable document format |
asciidoctor | dev-ruby | Processor for converting AsciiDoc into HTML 5, DocBook 4.5 and other formats |
asciidoctor-diagram | dev-ruby | A set of Asciidoctor extensions that enable you to add diagrams |
asciimath | dev-ruby | A pure Ruby AsciiMath parsing and conversion library |
asciinema | app-misc | Command line recorder for asciinema.org service |
asdf | dev-lisp | ASDF is Another System Definition Facility for Common Lisp |
aseprite | dev-games | Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool |
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