Build with MRI Ruby 3.2.x
Название | Категория | Описание |
whole_history_rating | dev-ruby | A pure ruby implementation of Remi Coulom's Whole-History Rating algorithm |
will_paginate | dev-ruby | Most awesome pagination solution for Ruby |
windows_error | dev-ruby | reference for standard Windows API Error Codes |
wirble | dev-ruby | Wirble is a set of enhancements for Irb |
wisper | dev-ruby | A micro library providing objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities |
x25519 | dev-ruby | Key exchange via the X25519 (Curve25519) Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman function |
xapian-bindings | dev-libs | SWIG and JNI bindings for Xapian |
xdr | dev-ruby | Read/write XDR encoded data structures |
xmlrpc | dev-ruby | XMLRPC is a lightweight protocol that enables remote procedure calls over HTTP |
xml-simple | dev-ruby | Easy API to maintain XML. A Ruby port of Grant McLean's Perl module XML::Simple |
xpath | dev-ruby | XPath is a Ruby DSL around a subset of XPath 1.0 |
yajl-ruby | dev-ruby | Ruby C bindings to the Yajl JSON stream-based parser library |
yard | dev-ruby | Documentation generation tool for the Ruby programming language |
zeitwerk | dev-ruby | Efficient and thread-safe code loader for Ruby |
zentest | dev-ruby | Testing tools: zentest, unit_diff, autotest, multiruby, and Test::Rails |
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