
Build with MRI Ruby 3.2.x
Название Категория Описание
rkelly-remix dev-ruby RKelly Remix is a fork of the RKelly JavaScript parser
rmagick dev-ruby An interface between Ruby and the ImageMagick(TM) image processing library
roadie dev-ruby Making HTML emails comfortable for the Rails rockstars
roadie-rails dev-ruby Hooks Roadie into your Rails application to help with email generation
robots dev-ruby A simple Ruby library to parse robots.txt
ronn-ng app-text Builds manuals in HTML and Unix man page format from Markdown
rotp dev-ruby The Ruby One Time Password Library
rouge dev-ruby Yet-another-markdown-parser using a strict syntax definition in pure Ruby
rqrcode dev-ruby Library for encoding QR Codes
rqrcode_core dev-ruby Library for encoding QR Codes
rr dev-ruby A double framework featuring a selection of double techniques and a terse syntax
rrdtool-bindings dev-ruby Ruby bindings for rrdtool
rspec dev-ruby A Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework for Ruby
rspec-block_is_expected dev-ruby Simplify testing of blocks in RSpec
rspec-collection_matchers dev-ruby A Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework for Ruby
rspec-core dev-ruby A Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework for Ruby
rspec-expectations dev-ruby A Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework for Ruby
rspec-files dev-ruby RSpec helpers for buffering and detecting file descriptor leaks
rspec-its dev-ruby A Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework for Ruby
rspec-json_expectations dev-ruby Set of matchers and helpers to allow you test your APIs responses

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