
Add support/bindings for the Ruby language
Название Категория Описание
qdbm dev-db Quick Database Manager
redland-bindings dev-libs Language bindings for Redland
rrdtool net-analyzer A data logging and graphing system for time series data
snd media-sound Snd is a sound editor
stfl dev-libs A library which implements a curses-based widget set for text terminals
subversion dev-vcs Advanced version control system
tomoe app-i18n Japanese handwriting recognition engine
uwsgi www-servers uWSGI server for Python web applications
vim app-editors Vim, an improved vi-style text editor
weechat net-irc Portable and multi-interface IRC client
xapian-bindings dev-libs SWIG and JNI bindings for Xapian
xmlformat app-text Reformat XML documents to your custom style

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