Build with Python 3.9
Название | Категория | Описание |
exam | dev-python | Helpers for better testing |
exceptiongroup | dev-python | Backport of PEP 654 (exception groups) |
execnet | dev-python | Rapid multi-Python deployment |
executing | dev-python | Get information about what a Python frame is currently doing |
expects | dev-python | Expressive and extensible TDD/BDD assertion library for Python |
extras | dev-python | Useful extra bits for Python that should be in the standard library |
eyeD3 | dev-python | Module for manipulating ID3 (v1 + v2) tags in Python |
Faker | dev-python | A Python package that generates fake data for you |
fakeredis | dev-python | Fake implementation of redis API for testing purposes |
fangfrisch | app-antivirus | Update and verify unofficial Clam Anti-Virus signatures |
fasteners | dev-python | Python package that provides useful locks |
fastimport | dev-python | Library for parsing the fastimport VCS serialization format |
fastjsonschema | dev-python | Fast JSON schema validator for Python |
feedgenerator | dev-python | Standalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator |
feedparser | dev-python | Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python |
fetchcommandwrapper | app-portage | Wrapper integrating aria2 into portage's FETCHCOMMAND |
ffmpeg-python | dev-python | Python bindings for FFmpeg with complex filtering support |
fido2 | dev-python | Python based FIDO 2.0 library |
fields | dev-python | Container class boilerplate killer |
file | sys-apps | Identify a file's format by scanning binary data for patterns |
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