
Build with Python 3.12
Название Категория Описание
pyscreenshot dev-python Python screenshot library
pyserial dev-python Python Serial Port extension
pysimdjson dev-python Python bindings for simdjson
PySocks dev-python SOCKS client module
pyspelling dev-python Spell checker automation tool
pyspf dev-python Python implementation of the Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
pyspnego dev-python Library to handle SPNEGO and CredSSP authentication
pystache dev-python Updated Python implementation of Mustache templating framework
pysvg dev-python Python SVG document creation library
pyte dev-python Simple VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator
pytesseract dev-python Optical character recognition (OCR) tool
pytest dev-python Simple powerful testing with Python
pytest-aiohttp dev-python pytest plugin for aiohttp support
pytest-asyncio dev-python Library for testing asyncio code with pytest
pytest-bdd dev-python BDD library for the pytest runner
pytest-check dev-python pytest plugin that allows multiple failures per test
pytest-codeblocks dev-python Extract code blocks from markdown
pytest-console-scripts dev-python Pytest plugin for testing console scripts
pytest-custom-exit-code dev-python Exit pytest test session with custom exit code in different scenarios
pytest-datadir dev-python Pytest plugin for manipulating test data directories and files

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