
Build with Python 3.10
Название Категория Описание
PyRSS2Gen dev-python RSS feed generator written in Python
pysam sci-biology Python interface for the SAM/BAM sequence alignment and mapping format
pyscard dev-python Smart card support in python
pyscreenshot dev-python Python screenshot library
PySDL2 dev-python Python (ctypes) bindings for SDL2 libraries
PySensors dev-python Python bindings to libsensors (via ctypes)
pyserial dev-python Python Serial Port extension
pyshp sci-libs Pure Python read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format
pyside2 dev-python Python bindings for the Qt framework
pyside2-tools dev-python PySide development tools (pyside2-lupdate with support for Python)
pyside6 dev-python Python bindings for the Qt framework
pyside6-tools dev-python PySide development tools (pyside6-lupdate with support for Python)
pysimdjson dev-python Python bindings for simdjson
pysiril sci-astronomy Python library to interface Python to a SiriL script
pysmi dev-python Python Lex & Yacc
pysnmp dev-python Python SNMP library
pysnmp-mibs dev-python SNMP framework in Python - MIBs
PySocks dev-python SOCKS client module
pysol_cards dev-python Deal PySol FreeCell cards
pyspectrum2 dev-python Implements a protobuf-based interface for Spectrum2 python-based backends

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