
Build with Python 3.10
Название Категория Описание
pynvim dev-python Python client for Neovim
pyocr dev-python An optical character recognition (OCR) tool wrapper
pyopencl dev-python Python wrapper for OpenCL
pyopengl dev-python Python OpenGL bindings
pyopengl_accelerate dev-python Accelerate module for PyOpenGL
pyopenssl dev-python Python interface to the OpenSSL library
pyotp dev-python PyOTP is a Python library for generating and verifying one-time passwords
pypacker net-analyzer Fast and simple packet creation and parsing library for Python
pyparsing dev-python Easy-to-use Python module for text parsing
pyparted dev-python Python bindings for sys-block/parted
pypax dev-python Python module to get or set either PT_PAX and/or XATTR_PAX flags
pypdf dev-python Python library to work with PDF files
pyperclip dev-python A cross-platform clipboard module for Python
pyphen dev-python Python module for hyphenation using hunspell dictionaries
pypiserver dev-python Minimal PyPI server
pypng dev-python Pure Python PNG image encoder/decoder
pypresence dev-python Complete Discord IPC and Rich Presence wrapper library in Python
pyprof2calltree dev-python convert python profile data to kcachegrind calltree form
pyproj dev-python Python interface to the PROJ library
pyproject-api dev-python API to interact with the python pyproject.toml based projects

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