
Build for Python 3.11 only
Название Категория Описание
heroic-bin games-util GOG and Epic Games Launcher for Linux
hexchat net-irc Graphical IRC client based on XChat
hivex app-misc Library for reading and writing Windows Registry 'hive' binary files
hplip net-print HP Linux Imaging and Printing - Print, scan, fax drivers and service tools
hpx sys-cluster C++ runtime system for parallel and distributed applications
hugin media-gfx GUI for the creation & processing of panoramic images
hydrus media-gfx A booru-like media organizer for the desktop
ibus-anthy app-i18n Japanese Anthy engine for IBus
ibus-hangul app-i18n Korean Hangul engine for IBus
ibus-libpinyin app-i18n Intelligent Pinyin and Bopomofo input methods based on LibPinyin for IBus
ibus-pinyin app-i18n Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus
ibus-table app-i18n Tables engines for IBus
ibus-typing-booster app-i18n Completion input method for IBus
imath dev-libs Imath basic math package
imediff2 dev-util An interactive, user friendly 2-way merge tool in text mode
include-what-you-use dev-util Find unused include directives in C/C++ programs
inkscape media-gfx SVG based generic vector-drawing program
iotop sys-process Top-like UI used to show which process is using the I/O
irker net-irc Submission tools for IRC notifications
itstool dev-util Translation tool for XML documents that uses gettext files and ITS rules

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