
Add support for software performance analysis (will likely vary from ebuild to ebuild)
Название Категория Описание
timeit dev-haskell Time a computation
time-locale-compat dev-haskell Compatibility of TimeLocale between old-locale and time-1.5
time-manager dev-haskell Scalable timer
timezone-olson dev-haskell A pure Haskell parser and renderer for binary Olson timezone files
timezone-series dev-haskell Enhanced timezone handling for Data.Time
tls dev-haskell TLS/SSL protocol native implementation (Server and Client)
tls-session-manager dev-haskell In-memory TLS session manager
torrent dev-haskell BitTorrent file parser and generater
transformers dev-haskell Concrete functor and monad transformers
transformers-base dev-haskell Lift computations from the bottom of a transformer stack
transformers-compat dev-haskell A small compatibility shim for the transformers library
tre dev-libs Lightweight, robust, and efficient POSIX compliant regexp matching library
tree-diff dev-haskell Diffing of (expression) trees
trifecta dev-haskell A modern parser combinator library with convenient diagnostics
typed-process dev-haskell Run external processes, with strong typing of streams
type-equality dev-haskell Type equality, coercion/cast and other operations
unbounded-delays dev-haskell Unbounded thread delays and timeouts
unicode-collation dev-haskell Haskell implementation of the Unicode Collation Algorithm
unicode-data dev-haskell Access Unicode character database
unicode-transforms dev-haskell Unicode normalization

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