
Add Native Language Support (using gettext - GNU locale utilities)
Название Категория Описание
libidn2 net-dns An implementation of the IDNA2008 specifications (RFCs 5890, 5891, 5892, 5893)
libiptcdata media-libs Library for International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) metadata
libisds net-libs Client library for accessing ISDS Soap services
libkgapi kde-apps Library for accessing Google calendar and contact resources
libmypaint media-libs Library for making brushstrokes
libquvi media-libs Library for parsing video download links
libskk app-i18n GObject-based library to deal with Japanese kana-to-kanji conversion method
libsmbios sys-libs Provide access to (SM)BIOS information
libstdc++-v3 sys-libs Compatibility package for binaries linked against a pre gcc 3.4 libstdc++
libticables2 sci-libs Library to handle different link cables for TI calculators
libticalcs2 sci-libs Library for communication with TI calculators
libtifiles2 sci-libs Library for TI calculator files
libvirt app-emulation C toolkit to manipulate virtual machines
libvisual media-libs Abstraction library between applications and audio visualisation plugins
linux-logo app-misc A utility that displays an ANSI/ASCII logo and some system information
lletters games-kids Game that helps young kids learn their letters and numbers
loop-aes-losetup app-crypt Loop-AES losetup utility
lpe app-editors A lightweight programmers editor
lrzsz net-dialup Communication package providing the X, Y, and ZMODEM file transfer protocols
ltris games-puzzle Very polished Tetris clone

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