
Add Native Language Support (using gettext - GNU locale utilities)
Название Категория Описание
graphviz media-gfx Open Source Graph Visualization Software
grass sci-geosciences A free GIS with raster and vector functionality, as well as 3D vizualization
graveman app-cdr Graphical frontend for cdrecord, mkisofs, readcd and sox using GTK+2
grep sys-apps GNU regular expression matcher
gretl sci-mathematics Regression, econometrics and time-series library
grhino games-board Reversi game for GNOME, supporting the Go/Game Text Protocol
grisbi app-office Grisbi is a personal accounting application for Linux
groundhog games-puzzle Put the balls in the pockets of the same color by manipulating a maze of tubes
grub sys-boot GNU GRUB boot loader
grun x11-misc A GTK based Run dialog resembling the Windows Run dialog, just like xexec
gsasl net-misc The GNU SASL client, server, and library
gst-plugins-bad media-libs Less plugins for GStreamer
gst-plugins-base media-libs Basepack of plugins for gstreamer
gst-plugins-good media-libs Basepack of plugins for GStreamer
gst-plugins-libav media-plugins FFmpeg based gstreamer plugin
gst-plugins-ugly media-libs Basepack of plugins for gstreamer
gst-plugins-vaapi media-plugins Hardware accelerated video decoding through VA-API plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer media-libs Open source multimedia framework
gst-rtsp-server media-libs A GStreamer based RTSP server
gtick media-sound Metronome application supporting different meters and speeds ranging

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