
Use the libedit library (replacement for readline)
Название Категория Описание
bc sys-devel Handy console-based calculator utility
bc-gh sci-calculators Implementation of POSIX bc with GNU extensions
bind-tools net-dns bind tools: dig, nslookup, host, nsupdate, dnssec-keygen
dash app-shells Debian Almquist Shell
groonga app-text An Embeddable Fulltext Search Engine
libisoburn dev-libs Creation/expansion of ISO-9660 filesystems on CD/DVD media supported by libburn
libpcre dev-libs Perl-compatible regular expression library
libpcre2 dev-libs Perl-compatible regular expression library
lldb dev-util The LLVM debugger
llvm sys-devel Low Level Virtual Machine
networkmanager net-misc A set of co-operative tools that make networking simple and straightforward
nftables net-firewall Linux kernel firewall, NAT and packet mangling tools
opensmt sci-mathematics Compact and open-source SMT-solver written in C++
openssh net-misc Port of OpenBSD's free SSH release
openssh-contrib net-misc Port of OpenBSD's free SSH release with HPN/X509 patches
php dev-lang The PHP language runtime engine
python dev-lang An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
rc app-shells A reimplementation of the Plan 9 shell
sqlcipher dev-db Full Database Encryption for SQLite
swi-prolog dev-lang Versatile implementation of the Prolog programming language

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