Add support for Java
Название | Категория | Описание |
sleuthkit | app-forensics | A collection of file system and media management forensic analysis tools |
sqlclient | gnustep-libs | GNUstep lightweight database abstraction layer |
subversion | dev-vcs | Advanced version control system |
swi-prolog | dev-lang | Versatile implementation of the Prolog programming language |
tex4ht | dev-tex | Converts (La)TeX to (X)HTML, XML and |
thepeg | sci-physics | Toolkit for High Energy Physics Event Generation |
tigervnc | net-misc | Remote desktop viewer display system |
tinker | sci-chemistry | Molecular modeling package that includes force fields, such as AMBER and CHARMM |
tsm | app-backup | IBM Spectrum Protect (former Tivoli Storage Manager) Backup/Archive Client, API |
virtualbox | app-emulation | Family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise and home use |
vtk | sci-libs | The Visualization Toolkit |
xapian-bindings | dev-libs | SWIG and JNI bindings for Xapian |
xsb | dev-lang | XSB is a logic programming and deductive database system |
yap | dev-lang | YAP is a high-performance Prolog compiler |
z3 | sci-mathematics | An efficient theorem prover |
zabbix | net-analyzer | ZABBIX is software for monitoring of your applications, network and servers |
zbar | media-gfx | Library and tools for reading barcodes from images or video |
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