
Add support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
Название Категория Описание
libpulse media-libs Libraries for PulseAudio clients
libquicktime media-libs An enhanced version of the quicktime4linux library
libreoffice app-office A full office productivity suite
libsixel media-libs A lightweight, fast implementation of DEC SIXEL graphics codec
libvisual-plugins media-plugins collection of visualization plugins for use with the libvisual framework
libzbc sys-block A library and tools for working with ZBC and ZAC disks
libzbd sys-block Zoned block device manipulation library and tools
lightdm x11-misc A lightweight display manager
lirc app-misc decode and send infra-red signals of many commonly used remote controls
lshw sys-apps Hardware Lister
mico net-misc A freely available and fully compliant implementation of the CORBA standard
mjpegtools media-video Tools for MJPEG video
mldonkey net-p2p Multi-network P2P application written in Ocaml, with Gtk, web & telnet interface
mlt media-libs Open source multimedia framework for television broadcasting
mlterm x11-terms A multi-lingual terminal emulator
mp3info media-sound An MP3 technical info viewer and ID3 1.x tag editor
mtr net-analyzer My TraceRoute, an Excellent network diagnostic tool
muse media-sound Multiple Streaming Engine, an icecast source streamer
netsurf www-client A free, open source web browser
networkmanager-fortisslvpn net-vpn NetworkManager Fortinet SSLVPN compatible plugin

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