
Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
Название Категория Описание
hslua-module-system dev-haskell Lua module wrapper around Haskell's System module
hslua-module-text dev-haskell Lua module for text
hslua-module-version dev-haskell Lua module to work with version specifiers
hslua-objectorientation dev-haskell Object orientation tools for HsLua
hslua-packaging dev-haskell Utilities to build Lua modules
hspec dev-haskell A Testing Framework for Haskell
hspec-contrib dev-haskell Contributed functionality for Hspec
hspec-core dev-haskell A Testing Framework for Haskell
hspec-discover dev-haskell Automatically discover and run Hspec tests
hspec-expectations dev-haskell Catchy combinators for HUnit
hspec-meta dev-haskell A version of Hspec which is used to test Hspec itself
hspec-wai dev-haskell Experimental Hspec support for testing WAI applications
hsqldb dev-db The leading SQL relational database engine written in Java
hsyaml dev-haskell Pure Haskell YAML 1.2 parser
html dev-haskell HTML combinator library
html2haml dev-ruby Convert HTML and HTML+Erb to Haml
htmlcleaner dev-java HTML parser written in Java that can be used as a tool, library or Ant task
html-conduit dev-haskell Parse HTML documents using xml-conduit datatypes
htmlentities dev-ruby A simple library for encoding/decoding entities in (X)HTML documents
html-pipeline dev-ruby GitHub HTML processing filters and utilities

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