Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
Название | Категория | Описание |
qttools | dev-qt | Qt Tools Collection |
qttranslations | dev-qt | Translation files for the Qt6 framework |
qtvirtualkeyboard | dev-qt | Customizable input framework and virtual keyboard for Qt |
qtwayland | dev-qt | Wayland platform plugin for Qt |
qtwaylandscanner | dev-qt | Tool that generates certain boilerplate C++ code from Wayland protocol xml spec |
qtwebchannel | dev-qt | Qt WebChannel |
qtwebengine | dev-qt | Library for rendering dynamic web content in Qt6 C++ and QML applications |
qtwebsockets | dev-qt | Implementation of the WebSocket protocol for the Qt6 framework |
qtwebview | dev-qt | Module for displaying web content in a QML application using the Qt5 framework |
qtwidgets | dev-qt | Set of components for creating classic desktop-style UIs for the Qt5 framework |
qtx11extras | dev-qt | Linux/X11-specific support library for the Qt5 framework |
qtxml | dev-qt | Implementation of SAX and DOM for the Qt5 framework |
qtxmlpatterns | dev-qt | XPath, XQuery, XSLT, and XML Schema validation library for the Qt5 framework |
quakeforge | games-fps | 3D engine based on id Software's Quake and QuakeWorld game engines |
quarter | media-libs | GUI binding for using Coin/Open Inventor with Qt |
quassel | net-irc | Qt/KDE IRC client supporting a remote daemon for 24/7 connectivity |
quat | media-gfx | A 3D quaternionic fractal generator |
quiche | net-libs | Implementation of the QUIC transport protocol and HTTP/3 |
qu-prolog | dev-lang | Extended Prolog supporting quantifiers, object-variables and substitutions |
qxmpp | net-libs | A cross-platform C++ XMPP client library based on the Qt framework |
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