
Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
Название Категория Описание
eom media-gfx The MATE image viewer
esh app-shells A UNIX Shell with a simplified Scheme syntax
eventd net-misc A small daemon to act on remote or local events
eventviews kde-apps Calendar viewer for KDE PIM
exa sys-apps A modern replacement for 'ls' written in Rust
expect dev-tcltk tool for automating interactive applications
expect-lite dev-tcltk quick and easy command line automation tool built on top of expect
ext3grep sys-fs Recover deleted files on an ext3 file system
ext4magic sys-fs Tool for recovery of deleted or overwritten files on ext3/ext4 filesystems
eza sys-apps A modern, maintained replacement for ls
fakeroot sys-apps A fake root environment by means of LD_PRELOAD and SysV IPC (or TCP) trickery
falkon www-client Cross-platform web browser using QtWebEngine
fasta sci-biology FASTA is a DNA and Protein sequence alignment software package
fastbencode dev-python Implementation of bencode with optional fast C extensions
faudio app-emulation Accuracy-focused XAudio reimplementation for open platforms
fbdesk x11-misc fluxbox-util application that creates and manage icons on your Fluxbox desktop
fblog app-text Small command-line JSON Log viewer
fbreader app-text E-Book Reader. Supports many e-book formats
fcitx app-i18n Fcitx (Flexible Context-aware Input Tool with eXtension) input method framework
fcron sys-process A command scheduler with extended capabilities over cron and anacron

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