Add support for X11
Название Категория Описание
mythtv media-tv Open Source DVR and media center hub
nanum media-fonts Korean fonts distributed by Naver
nanumfont media-fonts Korean monospace font distributed by Naver
neofetch app-misc Simple information system script
nerd-icons app-emacs Emacs Nerd Font Icons Library
netgen sci-electronics LVS tool (layout versus schematic comparison)
nethack games-roguelike The ultimate old-school single player dungeon exploration game
netpbm media-libs A set of utilities for converting to/from the netpbm (and related) formats
net-snmp net-analyzer Software for generating and retrieving SNMP data
ngspice sci-electronics The Next Generation Spice (Electronic Circuit Simulator)
noto media-fonts Google's font family that aims to support all the world's languages
noto-cjk media-fonts Google's CJK font family
noto-emoji media-fonts Google Noto Emoji fonts
nsat net-analyzer Network Security Analysis Tool, an application-level network security scanner
nunito media-fonts Sans Serif font with rounded terminals
nuosu-sil media-fonts Unicode font for the standardized Yi script
nvidia-drivers x11-drivers NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver
ocaml dev-lang Programming language supporting functional, imperative & object-oriented styles
octave sci-mathematics High-level interactive language for numerical computations
odamex games-engines Online multiplayer free software engine for DOOM

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