
Описание:A fast and secure drop-in replacement for sendmail
Домашняя страница:
  • + - стабильный
  • ~ - нестабильный
  • M - замаскированный
alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 m68k mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86
3.9_pre20230924 diff ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~
3.8.2 diff ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~
3.8.1 ~ + + ~ ~ - ~ + + ~ - ~ +

USE флаги

  • berkdb - Add support for sys-libs/db (Berkeley DB for MySQL)
  • cdb - Add support for the CDB database engine from the author of qmail
  • dovecot-sasl - Enable net-mail/dovecot protocol version 1 (server only) SASL implementation
  • eai - Add support for SMTPUTF8
  • ldap - Add LDAP support (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
  • ldap-bind - Add support for binding to LDAP backend using dev-libs/cyrus-sasl
  • lmdb - Add support for using dev-db/lmdb for lookup tables
  • mbox - Add support for mbox (/var/spool/mail) style mail spools
  • memcached - Add support for using net-misc/memcached for lookup tables
  • mysql - Add mySQL Database support
  • nis - Support for NIS/YP services
  • pam - Add support for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) - DANGEROUS to arbitrarily flip
  • postgres - Add support for the postgresql database
  • sasl - Add support for the Simple Authentication and Security Layer
  • selinux - !!internal use only!! Security Enhanced Linux support, this must be set by the selinux profile or breakage will occur
  • sqlite - Add support for sqlite - embedded sql database
  • ssl - Add support for SSL/TLS connections (Secure Socket Layer / Transport Layer Security)

Советы по безопасности

Дата Опасность Заголовок
почти 7 года высокая Postfix: Privilege escalation
около 12 лет высокая Postfix: Multiple vulnerabilities
почти 16 года средняя Postfix: Denial of Service
почти 16 года высокая Postfix: Local privilege escalation vulnerability
больше 16 лет средняя ssl-cert eclass: Certificate disclosure

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