
Copyright \copyright 1985 by Van Jacobson, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
This program may be freely used and copied but {\bf may not be sold}
without the author's {\bf written permission}. This notice must remain
in any copy or derivative.

This program is an adaptation of "vfontedpr" v4.2 (12/11/84) from
the 4.2bsd Unix distribution.  Vfontedpr was written by Dave
Presotto (based on an earlier program of the same name written by
Bill Joy).

I would welcome comments, enhancements, bug fixes, etc.  Please
mail them to:
	van@lbl-rtsg.arpa	(from arpanet, milnet, csnet, etc.)
	..!ucbvax!lbl-csam!van	(from Usenet/UUCP)
