
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название Категория Описание
Devel-CheckLib dev-perl Check that a library is available
Devel-CheckOS dev-perl Check what OS we're running on
Devel-Cover dev-perl Code coverage metrics for Perl
Devel-Cycle dev-perl Find memory cycles in objects
Devel-Declare dev-perl (DEPRECATED) Adding keywords to perl, in perl
Devel-Dumpvar dev-perl Pure-OO reimplementation of dumpvar.pl
Devel-FindPerl dev-perl Find the path to your perl
Devel-GlobalDestruction dev-perl Returns the equivalent of ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq DESTRUCT for older perls
Devel-GlobalPhase dev-perl Detect perl's global phase on older perls
Devel-Hide dev-perl Forces the unavailability of specified Perl modules (for testing)
Devel-LexAlias dev-perl Alias lexical variables
Devel-NYTProf dev-perl Powerful feature-rich perl source code profiler
Devel-OverloadInfo dev-perl Introspect overloaded operators
Devel-OverrideGlobalRequire dev-perl Override CORE::GLOBAL::require safely
Devel-PatchPerl dev-perl Patch perl source a la Devel::PPPort's buildperl.pl
Devel-Refactor dev-perl Perl extension for refactoring Perl code
Devel-REPL dev-perl A modern perl interactive shell
Devel-SimpleTrace dev-perl See where you code warns and dies using stack traces
Devel-Size dev-perl Perl extension for finding the memory usage of Perl variables
Devel-SmallProf dev-perl Per-line Perl profiler

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