
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name Category Description
cryptokit dev-ml Cryptographic primitives library for Objective Caml
cryptonite dev-haskell Cryptography Primitives sink
cryptonite-conduit dev-haskell cryptonite conduit
Crypt-OpenPGP dev-perl Pure-Perl OpenPGP-compatible PGP implementation
Crypt-OpenSSL-EC dev-perl Perl extension for OpenSSL EC (Elliptic Curves) library
Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess dev-perl Guess OpenSSL include path
Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA dev-perl RSA encoding and decoding using the OpenSSL libraries
Crypt-PasswdMD5 dev-perl Provides interoperable MD5-based crypt() functions
Crypt-Password dev-perl Unix-style, Variously Hashed Passwords
Crypt-PBKDF2 dev-perl The PBKDF2 password hashing algorithm
Crypt-PWSafe3 dev-perl Read and write Passwordsafe v3 files
Crypt-Random dev-perl Cryptographically Secure, True Random Number Generator
Crypt-Random-Seed dev-perl Simple method to get strong randomness
Crypt-Random-Source dev-perl Get weak or strong random data from pluggable sources
Crypt-Random-TESHA2 dev-perl Random numbers using timer/schedule entropy
Crypt-Rijndael dev-perl Crypt::CBC compliant Rijndael encryption module
Crypt-RIPEMD160 dev-perl Perl extension for the RIPEMD-160 Hash function
cryptsetup sys-fs Tool to setup encrypted devices with dm-crypt
Crypt-Simple dev-perl encrypt stuff simply
Crypt-SMIME dev-perl S/MIME message signing, verification, encryption and decryption

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