Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название | Категория | Описание |
sphinxcontrib-trio | dev-python | Make Sphinx better at documenting Python functions and methods |
sphinxcontrib-websupport | dev-python | Sphinx websupport extension |
sphinx-copybutton | dev-python | A small sphinx extension to add a "copy" button to code blocks |
sphinx-gallery | dev-python | Sphinx extension to automatically generate an examples gallery |
sphinx-inline-tabs | dev-python | A sphinx extension for inline tabs |
sphinx-issues | dev-python | Sphinx extension for linking to your project's issue tracker |
sphinx-multiversion | dev-python | Add support for multiple versions to sphinx |
sphinx-notfound-page | dev-python | Create a custom 404 page with absolute URLs hardcoded |
sphinx-panels | dev-python | A sphinx extension for creating panels in a grid layout |
sphinx-prompt | dev-python | Sphinx directive to add unselectable prompt |
sphinx-pytest | dev-python | Helpful pytest fixtures for Sphinx extensions |
sphinx-rtd-theme | dev-python | ReadTheDocs.org theme for Sphinx |
Sphinx-Search | dev-perl | Perl API client for Sphinx search engine |
sphinx-tabs | dev-python | Tabbed views for Sphinx |
sphinx-testing | dev-python | Testing utility classes and functions for Sphinx extensions |
sphobjinv | dev-python | Sphinx objects.inv Inspection/Manipulation Tool |
spice | app-emulation | SPICE server |
spidermonkey | dev-lang | SpiderMonkey is Mozilla's JavaScript engine written in C and C++ |
Spiffy | dev-perl | Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You |
spirv-llvm-translator | dev-util | Bi-directional translator between SPIR-V and LLVM IR |
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