
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название Категория Описание
pytest-custom-exit-code dev-python Exit pytest test session with custom exit code in different scenarios
pytest-datadir dev-python Pytest plugin for manipulating test data directories and files
pytest-datafiles dev-python Create a 'tmp_path' containing predefined files/directories
pytest-describe dev-python Describe-style plugin for pytest
pytest-django dev-python A Django plugin for py.test
pytest-env dev-python pytest plugin that allows you to add environment variables
pytest-fixture-config dev-python Virtualenv fixture for py.test
pytest-forked dev-python Run tests in isolated forked subprocesses
pytest-freezegun dev-python Easily freeze time in pytest test + fixtures
pytest-freezer dev-python Pytest plugin providing a fixture interface for spulec/freezegun
pytest-golden dev-python Plugin for pytest that offloads expected outputs to data files
pytest-helpers-namespace dev-python Provides a helpers pytest namespace
pytest-httpbin dev-python Easily test your HTTP library against a local copy of httpbin
pytest-httpserver dev-python HTTP server for pytest to test HTTP clients
pytest-httpx dev-python Send responses to HTTPX using pytest
pytest-jupyter dev-python Pytest plugin for testing Jupyter libraries and extensions
pytest-lazy-fixture dev-python It helps to use fixtures in pytest.mark.parametrize
pytest-localftpserver dev-python A PyTest plugin which provides an FTP fixture for your tests
pytest-localserver dev-python Pytest plugin to test server connections locally
pytest-metadata dev-python A plugin for pytest that provides access to test session metadata

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