
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название Категория Описание
Lab-VXI11 dev-perl Perl interface to the VXI-11 Test&Measurement backend
Lab-Zhinst dev-perl Perl bindings to the LabOne API of Zurich Instruments
lammps sci-physics Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
lanes dev-lua Lightweight, native, lazy evaluating multithreading library
language-c dev-haskell Analysis and generation of C code
language-javascript dev-haskell Parser for JavaScript
lapack sci-libs BLAS,CBLAS,LAPACK,LAPACKE reference implementations
lark dev-python Python module to propose a modern general-purpose parsing library for Python
latex2rtf dev-tex LaTeX to RTF converter
latexcodec dev-python Lexer and codec to work with LaTeX code in Python
latexdiff dev-tex Compare two latex files and mark up significant differences
LaTeX-Driver dev-perl Perl encapsulation of invoking the Latex programs
LaTeX-Encode dev-perl Encode characters for LaTeX formatting
LaTeX-Table dev-perl Perl extension for the automatic generation of LaTeX tables
launchy dev-ruby Helper class for launching cross-platform applications
lazy-object-proxy dev-python A fast and thorough lazy object proxy
lbdb net-mail Little Brother database
lcms media-libs A lightweight, speed optimized color management engine
ldb sys-libs LDAP-like embedded database
ldl sci-libs Simple but educational LDL^T matrix factorization algorithm

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