
Build with MRI Ruby 3.1.x
Name Category Description
descendants_tracker dev-ruby Module that adds descendant tracking to a class
diakonos app-editors A Linux editor for the masses
did_you_mean dev-ruby 'did you mean?'experience in Ruby
diff-lcs dev-ruby Use the McIlroy-Hunt LCS algorithm to compute differences
digest dev-ruby Provides a framework for message digest libraries
diva dev-ruby Implementation of expression for handling things
dnsruby dev-ruby A pure Ruby DNS client library
docile dev-ruby Turns any Ruby object into a DSL
docker-api dev-ruby A simple REST client for the Docker Remote API
domain_name dev-ruby Domain Name manipulation library for Ruby
duktape-rb dev-ruby Ruby bindings to the Duktape JavaScript interpreter
dust dev-ruby Descriptive block syntax definition for Test::Unit
ecma-re-validator dev-ruby Validate a regular expression string against what ECMA-262 can actually do
ed25519 dev-ruby Library for the Ed25519 public-key signature system
elasticsearch dev-ruby Ruby integrations for ES, elasticsearch module
elasticsearch-api dev-ruby Ruby integrations for ES, elasticsearch-api module
elasticsearch-transport dev-ruby Ruby integrations for ES, elasticsearch-transport module
elastic-transport dev-ruby Transport classes and utilities shared among Ruby Elastic client libraries
em-websocket dev-ruby EventMachine based WebSocket server
equalizer dev-ruby Module to define equality, equivalence and inspection methods

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