
Build with MRI Ruby 3.1.x
Название Категория Описание
blankslate dev-ruby Base class with almost all of the methods from Object and Kernel being removed
blinkstick dev-ruby ruby interface for blinkstick via libusb
bogus dev-ruby Ensuring that the things you stub or mock actually exist
brass dev-ruby BRASS is a very basic assertions framework for Ruby
brotli dev-ruby Brotli compressor/decompressor
bsearch dev-ruby A binary search library for Ruby
bson dev-ruby A Ruby BSON implementation for MongoDB. (Includes binary C-based extension.)
buftok dev-ruby Statefully split input data by a specifiable token
builder dev-ruby A builder to facilitate programmatic generation of XML markup
bundler dev-ruby An easy way to vendor gem dependencies
bundler-audit dev-ruby Provides patch-level verification for Bundled apps
bunny dev-ruby Another synchronous Ruby AMQP client
capistrano dev-ruby A distributed application deployment system
capybara dev-ruby Capybara aims to simplify the process of integration testing Rack applications
certificate_authority dev-ruby Managing the core functions outlined in RFC-3280 for PKI
cgi dev-ruby Support for the Common Gateway Interface protocol
charlock_holmes dev-ruby Character encoding detecting library for Ruby using ICU
childlabor dev-ruby Gem that helps manage child processes
childprocess dev-ruby Solution for controlling external programs running in the background
chronic dev-ruby Chronic is a natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby

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