Build with MRI Ruby 3.0.x
Название | Категория | Описание |
mime-types-data | dev-ruby | Registry for information about MIME media type definitions |
mini_magick | dev-ruby | Manipulate images with minimal use of memory |
mini_mime | dev-ruby | A lightweight mime type lookup toy |
mini_portile2 | dev-ruby | Simplistic port-like solution for developers |
minispec-metadata | dev-ruby | Define and access metadata in MiniTest::Spec descriptions and specs |
minitar | dev-ruby | Provides POSIX tarchive management from Ruby programs |
minitest | dev-ruby | minitest/unit is a small and fast replacement for ruby's huge and slow test/unit |
minitest-around | dev-ruby | Alternative for setup/teardown dance |
minitest-bonus-assertions | dev-ruby | Bonus assertions for minitest |
minitest-global_expectations | dev-ruby | Support minitest expectation methods for all objects |
minitest-hooks | dev-ruby | Adds around and before_all/after_all/around_all hooks for Minitest |
minitest-power_assert | dev-ruby | Power Assert for Minitest |
minitest-pretty_diff | dev-ruby | Pretty-print hashes and arrays before diffing them in MiniTest |
mixlib-shellout | dev-ruby | Run external commands on Unix or Windows |
mocha | dev-ruby | Mocking and stubbing using a syntax like that of JMock and SchMock |
moneta | dev-ruby | A unified interface to key/value stores |
mqtt | dev-ruby | Pure Ruby gem that implements the MQTT protocol |
msgpack | dev-ruby | Binary-based efficient data interchange format for ruby binding |
multi_json | dev-ruby | A gem to provide swappable JSON backends |
multipart-post | dev-ruby | Adds a streamy multipart form post capability to Net::HTTP |
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