
Build with MRI Ruby 3.0.x
Название Категория Описание
io-wait dev-ruby Waits until IO is readable or writable without blocking
itextomml dev-ruby Native Ruby bindings to itex2MML, which converts itex equations to MathML
jbuilder dev-ruby Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL
jmespath dev-ruby Implements JMESPath for Ruby
jquery-rails dev-ruby jQuery! For Rails! So great
jquery-ui-rails dev-ruby The jQuery UI assets for the Rails 3.2+ asset pipeline
jsobfu dev-ruby A Javascript code obfuscator
json dev-ruby A JSON implementation as a Ruby extension
json_schema dev-ruby A JSON Schema V4 and Hyperschema V4 parser and validator
jwt dev-ruby A Ruby implementation of JSON Web Token draft 06
kirbybase dev-ruby A simple Ruby DBMS that stores data in plaintext files
kissfft dev-ruby ruby interface to kissfft
klayout sci-electronics Viewer and editor for GDS and OASIS integrated circuit layouts
kpeg dev-ruby A simple PEG library for Ruby
kramdown dev-ruby Yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using strict syntax definition
kramdown-parser-gfm dev-ruby A kramdown parser for the GFM dialect of Markdown
kramdown-rfc app-text An XML2RFC (RFC799x) backend for Thomas Leitner's kramdown markdown parser
kramdown-syntax-coderay dev-ruby Uses coderay to highlight code blocks/spans
launchy dev-ruby Helper class for launching cross-platform applications
lemon dev-ruby Lemon is a unit testing framework

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