
Build with Python 3.9
Название Категория Описание
tardelta app-arch Generate a tarball of differences between two tarballs
targetcli-fb sys-block Command shell for managing Linux LIO kernel target
tasklib dev-python A Python library for interacting with taskwarrior databases
tatt app-portage Arch testing tool
tavalidate dev-python Utities to validate Tavern responses
tavern dev-python A tool, library, and Pytest plugin for testing RESTful APIs
tblib dev-python Traceback fiddling library for Python
tcolorpy dev-python tcolorpy is a Python library to apply true color for terminal text
tekore dev-python Spotify Web API client
tempest dev-python OpenStack Integration Testing
tempora dev-python Objects and routines pertaining to date and time
tenacity dev-python General-purpose retrying library
Tensile dev-util Stretching GPU performance for GEMMs and tensor contractions
termcolor dev-python ANSI Color formatting for output in terminal
terminado dev-python Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets
terminal-colors app-misc A tool to display color charts for 8, 16, 88, and 256 color terminals
terminaltables dev-python Generate simple tables in terminals from a nested list of strings
terminator x11-terms Multiple GNOME terminals in one window
termtosvg media-gfx Record terminal sessions as SVG animations
testfixtures dev-python A collection of helpers and mock objects for unit tests and doc tests

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