Build with Python 3.9
Название | Категория | Описание |
python-exec | dev-lang | Python script wrapper |
python-exec-conf | dev-lang | Configuration file for dev-lang/python-exec |
python-gammu | dev-python | Python bindings for Gammu |
python-gflags | dev-python | Google's Python argument parsing library |
python-gitlab | dev-vcs | Python command line interface to gitlab API |
python-glanceclient | dev-python | A client for the OpenStack Glance API |
python-gnupg | dev-python | A Python wrapper for GnuPG |
python-greenlet | virtual | A virtual for Python greenlet module |
python-gvm | net-analyzer | Greenbone Vulnerability Management Python Library |
python-ironicclient | dev-python | Python bindings for the Ironic API |
python-jose | dev-python | A JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) implementation in Python |
python-json-logger | dev-python | Standard python logging to output log data as json objects |
python-keystoneclient | dev-python | Client Library for OpenStack Identity |
python-ldap | dev-python | Various LDAP-related Python modules |
python-lhafile | dev-python | LHA archive support for Python |
python-libevdev | dev-python | Python wrappers for the libevdev library |
python-linux-procfs | dev-python | Python classes to extract information from the Linux kernel /proc files |
python-lsp-black | dev-python | Black plugin for the Python LSP Server |
python-lsp-jsonrpc | dev-python | JSON RPC 2.0 server library |
python-lsp-server | dev-python | Python Language Server for the Language Server Protocol |
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