Build with Python 3.12
Название | Категория | Описание |
multiprocess | dev-python | Better multiprocessing and multithreading in Python |
munch | dev-python | A dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects) |
munkres | dev-python | Module implementing munkres algorithm for the Assignment Problem |
mutagen | media-libs | Audio metadata tag reader and writer implemented in pure Python |
mypy | dev-python | Optional static typing for Python |
mypy_extensions | dev-python | Type system extensions for programs checked with mypy |
mysqlclient | dev-python | Python interface to MySQL |
myst-parser | dev-python | Extended commonmark compliant parser, with bridges to Sphinx |
nagiosplugin | dev-python | A class library for writing nagios-compatible plugins |
natsort | dev-python | Natural sorting for Python |
nest-asyncio | dev-python | Patch asyncio to allow nested event loops |
netaddr | dev-python | Network address representation and manipulation library |
netifaces | dev-python | Portable network interface information |
nextinspace | dev-python | A command-line tool for seeing the latest in space |
nh3 | dev-python | Ammonia HTML sanitizer Python binding |
node-semver | dev-python | Python version of node-semver, the semantic versioner for npm |
noiseprotocol | dev-python | Implementation of Noise Protocol Framework. Compatible with revisions 32 and 33. |
nox | dev-python | Flexible test automation for Python |
nspektr | dev-python | Distribution package dependency inspector |
ntplib | dev-python | Python NTP library |
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